Unexpected range time

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Unexpected range time

Post by Bmyers »

As I was finishing up winter preps, my nephew texted and asked if I would come to the range and run them through some drills.

Being the good uncle, how could I refuse.

Met five of them up there and setup some different stages for them. It was neat watching them practice using their duty gear.

Considering all of them were two decades or younger than me, it was hard for this old man to keep up with them.

Although they learned a valuable lesson.

I setup a stage starting at 40 yards, you engaged two targets 15 yards away, then you could move up to those targets and engage two targets at 20 yards away and then there were two additional targets 5 yards further.

They all were quick and fast running from spot to spot. It came my turn, buzzer went off and I engaged all the targets from 40 yards and was done. Thankfully I was able to get all my hits so I finished about 11 seconds faster than everyone else.

They said I cheated. I told them nope, you all just learned a couple of valuable lessons. One, there are no rules in a gun fight, but to win. Two, never mess with the old fat dude, he will just stand there and shoot you.

They all got a good laugh and we had a great day at the range.
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Re: Unexpected range time

Post by Mac66 »

Excellent lesson :D
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Re: Unexpected range time

Post by David »

That was an excellent lesson you taught them. It will make them think things completely through the next time. Valuable time well spent :)
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Re: Unexpected range time

Post by Bmyers »

It was the most fun I have had at the range in a while. Looking forward to the next outing.
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