New technology and cell phones

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New technology and cell phones

Post by bdcochran »

Technology and phones.
I started when phones had no dial. You plunged the receiver up and down three times and the operator came on and would place the call. A lot of changes since then.

I have lived a lifetime in which a progression of older people have refused to learn how to type, how to use dictation equipment as contrasted to dictating to a secretary, how to use a laptop computer and even how to use a cell phone. NOTHING is intuitive.

Last fall, I gave my son, the businessman, the assignment of buying himself and myself new cell phones. He putwhat are called apps on my cell phone. I am going up the learning curve: how to transfer money, how to text, and so forth. I am learning that fractional shares are now commonly traded - when I was kid, I had to buy and sell in odd lots in the stock market.

Although I mention "cell phone", I have also had to learn the VPN concept in the last 6 months to protect my computer and allow me to obtain foreign content for "free" that I would otherwise have a charge. I heard of "roku" and instead of buying a new television or going to the movies, I installed it on an old borrowed television for $33.
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Re: New technology and cell phones

Post by Bmyers »

Well my phone experience does not go back as far as your experience. My oldest phone usage was the party line, which my grandparents had at their house.

Growing up, I loved technology and always wanted to be on the cutting edge. Now I'm not so quick to adopt the latest and greatest.
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Re: New technology and cell phones

Post by David »

Technology can be useful as long as we're not dependent on it. Now to some extent, we all are to a point. But the more you don't 'have' to have the better. Then it can simply be a nice add-on.
A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

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